
Classic Beauty

Lazee Gal hails from Vancouver BC.  With the sun glinting off her windshield, she’s pulling in to Plumper Cove, Keats Island.

Some info on Lazee Gal found here

“Hi there,
Lazee Gal is my family’s boat. It was built in 1953 for the Dueck family (the car company, yes) by Thorton Grenfell. It is 64′ including the swim-grid, and is Mahogany over oak frames. My great-grandfather, who is a Bentall, bought it, and it now belongs to my grandmother and her two brothers. Any other questions, feel free to ask me.”

9 replies on “Classic Beauty”

When I was in my teens I was a member of the Burrard Yacht Club along with my parents and brother. The Lazee Gal was new and Lee Dueck sailed alone on many occasion so at times my father and I would accompany Lee while my brother skippered our cruiser the Star Trail also built by Thornton Grenfell. They were wonderful days and I am so happy to have been a part of the history of the Lazee Gal.

Thanks for your comments Renee. It’s a beautiful boat, just watching it motor into the bay makes you want to sit back and grab a Martini and discuss Hemmingway or Virginia Woolf.

I have such fond memories of the Lazee Gal and Lee Dueck. Those were the days of cruising the Gulf Islands with so few people, just the yacht clubs at Latona, Gambier Island etc.

During the summer of 1969 when Ben Dueck owned Lazee Gal, I was dating Peter Dueck, his nephew. We cruised around the islands (Peter at the helm) from Knapp Island which the Duecks owned at that time. I was 18 and it was a highlight of my life to sit and sip on cold drinks in the sun aboard her. It was simply dreamy. Lazee Gal is so gorgeous with the birds eye maple in the master cabin and all the teak. My brother-in-law Peter Vaughan knows members of your family (Bentalls) and mentioned that you owned her. In fact there were Bentalls at my sister (Dru’s) funeral a year and a half ago in Gibsons. It’s on my bucket list to have one more cruise on her. Lazee Gal is that magical. Cheers, Monica

I am looking at Her from our friends summer cottage, beautiful lines and details. My grandfather spent time on her with Mr. Bentall senior as good business friends from Home Oil Distributor days

Had the remarkable pleasure of seeing Lazy Gal this weekend (May 22, 2023), at Keats Island. I marvelled that she rivalled the timeless beauty of the infamous “Thunderbird”, on Lake Tahoe.

I am the only grandson of L Dueck but never got a chance to meet him as he passed away when my father was only 15. I would love a color photo of the Lazygal if possible.

hello my name is Mike. I walk past this old girl on a regular basis. Im just so proud and thankful for the people that owned ,enjoyed ,and kept her up so meticulously. she looks exactly like she did the day she was finished ,on the exterior at least. I know a lot of the Tradesmen that have been involved with keeping her up including myself the odd time .it’s taking a lot of Deep Pockets and a lot of pride . We commend the owners over her life to keeping this vessel in this kind of condition.
My father used to always point out Lazze Gal out in our boat as we would be in the same areas a lot. One day up in Garden Bay in Pender Harbor ,a very sweet woman came up and asked myself , my brother and sister if we would like to take a tour through the boat .I think in my entire boating life to this point, has been the highlight of everything I remember about being on the water .I still tell people that I was on that boat when I was 7 years old LOL. Back then that was about the biggest private yacht around here. Now it’s just probably the nicest yacht in the area even at her age. Perfect example of the old saying. things get better with age .

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